We are extremely sorry to announce that we will be closed for the 2020 season until further notice. We are committed to ensuring your safety and the combination of insurance and global health concerns mean we are not in a position to do that as well as you expect us to.

We look forward to assisting you in 2021!

Mount Meharry Monday

Take a trip up to the summit of Mt Meharry, Western Australia's highest mountain at 1248 meters above sea level.

Mt Meharry is located within Karijini National Park, in the south-eastern part of the park. This trip includes driving in our purpose built 4x4 bus through the centre of the National Park on a road not open to the general public. On the trip you will see land that has been ungrazed since the late sixties and unspoilt by human use since then. Yes, this is truly an experience and sight that few in the modern world get to see.

Once we arrive at the area of Mt Meharry we walk to the summit and take in the surrounds from the tallest point in Western Australia, surveying some of the oldest rock on the planet.

What is included:
  • Fully qualified outdoor guide to accompany the tour including the walk to the summit.
  • Bus trip through the National Park and returning via Great Northern Highway.
  • Morning tea and lunch.

All of West Oz Active Adventure Tours' guides are remote area first aid qualified and have comprehensive first aid kits, carry satellite communications devices and UHF radios.

What to bring:
  • Hat
  • Walking boots or sturdy footwear
  • Comfortable walking clothes
  • A warm jacket to wear at the summit
  • A bottle of water
  • Hiking poles
  • Camera
  • Sunscreen
  • Day pack
Rough Itinerary:
05:45 hrs Meet at the parking area on entry to the apron of the Karijini airstrip for briefing.
07:30 hrs Stop on Juna Downs Rd for photo opportunity.
09:30 hrs Arrive part way up Mt Meharry. Briefing and walk up to the summit of Mt Meharry.
11:30 hrs Arrive at summit.
13:30 hrs Return from summit and reassemble at bus for lunch.
14:15 hrs Depart Mt Meharry.
17:30 hrs Return to Karijini airstrip via Great Northern Hwy.
Our FAQ page will answer most of your questions.

Cost (AUD)


Group Size


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